Savory Spinach Cake and Good to be Back !
Oh Boy ! Guess who is back ? Yours truly of course !!.If you guys are reading this , then I have been successful in breaking the bloggers block( lot of b words ..I know) though full credit should go to the lady who stopped me at the hasya kavi sammelan yesterday , introduced herself and mentioned how she enjoyed visiting my blog and trying out the recipes . Needless to say this conversation uplifted and inspired me enough to write a new blog post and here I am sharing with you a savory recipe of spinach cake which I made for a book club meeting last month and was an instant hit . Fellow book lovers have asked for the recipe on more than one occasion and now, I can finally share it. Apologies for the delay but the migraine headaches were winning the battle against my already weakened enthusiasm. Hopefully , the next rounds will all be in my favor for I really hope to share my baking journey with my gentle readers. I did not take a break from baking