Eggless Chocolate Bundt Cake and Mystery Book Club Meetings
One productive thing that was accomplished this year was the beginning of our local book club. Glad to report that we are already looking forward to our second monthly meeting , no small feat considering that the formation itself took quite some time . But now that we have met , the "ice has been broken" and the next month meeting all planned with attendance confirmed , the future of the book club looks secure. talking of book club meetings , how can you leave cake behind ? A sinfully rich cake is an absolute requirement even more than managing to finish the book before the meeting . Truthfully ! The cake has to be accompanied by loads of chai , which is generously taken care by a fellow book club member . We can count on the others to bring more delectable treats and so you gentle reader get an idea that food is quite an important part of our book club. For the first book club meeting at my place, I made the eggless dates cake . Not ...